
August 2000- Saw each other in our high school chemistry class. I thought he was dork, he thought I was kind of cute.

December 26, 2000- First official date with our friends Scott and Michelle at Hollywood Connection to see Castaway

September 15, 2005- He asked and I said yes!

August 11, 2006- Married each other surrounded by our family and friends

February 2007- Discovered first cyst on my Ovary. Increased birth control to try and decrease odds of cysts. (I only share this because we have a theory that this is where our problems began.)

August 11, 2007- Sealed in the Salt Lake Temple for time and all eternity on our first anniversary.

June 2009- We moved out of our first apartment and in with the in laws while we started looking for our first house.

November 2009- Started trying for our first baby (we thought it would be easy ha!)

January 2010- Put money down to start building our first home

April 15 2010- Closed on our first home. 5 months of trying for our baby with no luck

October 2010- Spoke with OBGYN at check-up about how long we had been trying. Tells me that if we are still not pregnant when January rolls around to come back and we will get started on Clomid.

February 2011- Still not pregnant. Switched to OBGYN with some background in infertility and is closer to home. Win Win!

March 2011- Met with new OBGYN to discuss our options. Have blood tests and semen analysis done all come back normal. We decide to start with 50 mg of Clomid to try and regulate my period. At this point my cycles were all over the place.

August 1 2011- We did it! First positive pregnancy test ever!! We were so excited. I found out the day I was supposed to leave for Girl's Camp for a whole week. Adam sent me on my way and we were both so excited that after almost two years we had done it.

August 6, 2011- Day after arriving home from girls camp I wake up at 4:00am to find out I am bleeding. Miscarriage. Devastated.

November 2011- Two years of trying and no baby. Decided not to go back on Clomid yet.

January 2012- After talking to friends we decide it is time to see a specialist to try and get pregnant. Our friend refers us to Utah Fertility Center

February 2012- Met with Dr. Gurtcheff to decide on our treatment. I was diagnosed with a Luteal Phase Defect. Have HSG done (water ultrasound) to make sure my tubes are clear, they are, blood tests for both Adam and I, everything is normal. Start our treatment.
Two ultrasounds a month
50mg Clomid
HCG shot to trigger ovulation
Timed Intercourse
Lining looks a little thin so put on Estradol for a few days
Blood Test to see if pregnant......Negative

We continued this process 7 more times with breaks in between for the next year and a half

July 2012- Chemical Pregnancy. (Not on treatment at this time)

March 2013- Decide to take a break to save some money, and prepare emotionally for our next step. Met with Dr. Gurtcheff. Our options are to try 3 IUIs which give us a 20-30% chance of pregnancy (a normal woman has about 10-20% chance each month) Or our other option is to start IVF with a 75% chance but the cost difference between these two options is crazy!

March 2014- After our year off we are still not pregnant and decide it is time to meet with our doctor. We decide to try 3 IUIs because the cost was a little more do-able. The process is the same as before but instead of timed intercourse they do In-Utero Insemination.

April 2014- First IUI. We feel great about our decision and ready to get started. Everything went perfectly! Pregnancy test NEGATIVE

May 2014- IUI #2 still feeling good everything looks great again. Pregnancy test NEGATIVE

June 2014- IUI #3 last chance. Pregnancy test NEGATIVE

July 2014- Met with our doctor who lets us know that she wants to move onto IVF so we aren't wasting any more of our money. Given a 75% chance the first IVF and 98% chance for each try after that. We met with the doctor's office financial person a week later and were told that our cost would be about $20,000 for just IVF.

August 2014- Signed up for Footsteps for Fertility 5K in hopes of a free round of IVF or a $5,000 grant. Received lots of love and support but unfortunately didn't win anything.

September 2014- Decide we can't do this on our own and ask for help. Ready for our adventure to IVF.

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