Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Be a Piece of Our Puzzle

In June 2014 we were told our last IUI had failed :( leaving only one option, In Vitro (dun dun dun). We have spent upwards of $10,000 out of pocket with insurance covering little to none. We have exhausted every possible treatment option up to this point, leaving In Vitro dead last with a price tag of twenty thousand dollars, yes that is $20,000! Talking with friends and family, who are so willing and eager to help, and knowing we can't do this alone, we have come up with an idea to help raise the money needed. (Thank you to our friends for letting us use your idea)

Sorry to let everyone down but it's not stripping I have been through enough and Adam says nobody wants to see him shake his "money maker." So what is this great idea? How does it work?

Here's how it works:
  • We have selected a 1,000 piece puzzle 
  • Each piece is a minimum donation of $20 (of course even if you can only donate a dollar or just offer us your thoughts and prayers we will be forever grateful)
  • You can choose to buy one piece of our puzzle or several pieces.
  • YOUR name will be written on the back of each piece you buy/represent, or you may choose to be anonymous.
How can you purchase a piece to our puzzle?
  • There is a link under "Donate" in the left column that will allow you to donate through GoFundMe
  • You may write a check or donate cash, to hand deliver or mail to us 
  • You can also deposit/transfer money to our bank account, set up specifically for our infertility treatments.

If you choose to send a check or would like our account number at the bank to deposit money you can email us for the information. The link to our email is in the side bar under contacts. 
Please make sure you let us know that you have made a deposit, if you choose, in case your name does not show up. That way we can make sure your name is on the puzzle.

When the puzzle is complete it will be framed in between two pieces of glass, after which it will be hung in our future baby's room. It will stand as a  reminder/testament to us of all those that helped bring such a great blessing into our life. Below is the puzzle we picked, Noah's Ark. We feel it is a good pick for either boy or girl and even multiples, if that happens. It is also a cool thing to think of for our baby; they came two by two, from far and wide to bring you into our life. Cheesy, maybe, but that's what we are telling the kid when they ask. 

Once we reach $20,000 we will be able to start In Vitro. Of course we will be saving our own money for treatment, but your donations will help ease the burden and cover the majority of the cost. Any money we may receive beyond our goal will go towards paying for unforeseen medical expenses relating to our In Vitro and to hopefully help other couples struggling with infertility. 

If you have any other fundraiser ideas or you would like to organize one on our behalf, to go along with our puzzle, please feel free to do so. We are open to ideas and willing to help where needed. You can also help by sharing our blog with others. 

We will do our best to keep all of you updated as our puzzle progresses as well as our journey to and through In Vitro.  We can't express how appreciative we are for you and for the outpouring of love and support we have received! They say it takes a village to raise a baby but it looks like we are going to need our village just to get our baby here!
Thank you will never be enough!

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